
Monday 5 August 2013

NEWS| Phoebe English AW13 film exclusive to Dazed Digital

Former Fashion Scout Merit Award winner Phoebe English takes us to new worlds with a short film featuring the designer’s AW13 collection.  Focusing on shape, shadows bring a spellbound atmosphere to the collection where movement interacts with light.
Collaborating with director Marie Kristiansen and music by Golden Hum, Phoebe English showcases parts of her collection throughout the film featuring her signature monochromatic style. Flashes of dark visuals contrast with a serene mood, where the viewer is invited to see the multidimensional aspects of the collection.
Featured on Dazed Digital as an exclusive, the film highlights the importance of textures in Phoebe English’s work and pulls forward the garments themselves, whilst the model remains passive, face half covered.
“Whilst obviously displayed to us, the model is simultaneously removed or hidden by the masking of her eyes” says English explaining the film-making process she says “x-ray and spectre like transparencies, slide show layering and the voyeuristic plinth exhibit of the model protagonist.”
The designer showcased her collection at Fashion Scout in February earlier this year using this film to expand ideas on aesthetics seen on the catwalk.

Vanessa Omoregie (@wewearblack)